“…as compared with the life of the hereafter, the life of this world is nothing but a brief passing enjoyment” (Quran, Ar-Rad: 26)
I. Intent Purification |
2 – 15 |
2 |
3 |
3. The End of A'lim [Islamic scholar] who is lost in this world |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
II. Imaniyat [The Believers] |
16 – 19 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
III. Following the Book of Allah and the Traditions of Prophet
Rasullah (s.a.) |
20 – 24 |
20 |
21 |
22 |
23 |
24 |
IV. Ibadat |
25 – 60 |
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
29 |
30 |
31 |
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34 |
35 |
36 |
37 |
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40 |
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49 |
49. Tragic end of those who disregard fasting [intentionally] |
50 |
51 |
52 |
53 |
54 |
55 |
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
60 |
V. Social Obligations |
61 – 84 |
61 |
62 |
62. Compensation for praying and seeking Maghfirah for parents
after death |
63 |
64 |
65 |
66 |
67 |
68 |
69 |
70 |
71 |
72 |
73 |
74 |
75 |
76 |
77 |
78 |
79 |
80 |
80. Sharpening knife before putting down goat [for slaughtering] |
81 |
82 |
83 |
83. Prohibitation of mutilation [of body] |
84 |
VI. Mua'mlat |
85 – 100 |
85 |
86 |
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
93 |
94 |
95 |
96 |
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
VII. Morality: Good Virtues & Bad Behaviour |
101 – 116 |
101 |
102 |
103 |
104 |
105 |
106 |
107 |
108 |
109 |
110 |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
115 |
116 |
VIII. Comprehensive Ahadith |
117 – 181 |
117 |
118 |
119 |
120 |
121 |
122 |
123 |
124 |
125 |
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
130 |
130. Abandoning of sign, taking care of obligations, abundance of Zikr |
131 |
131. Zakah, compassion for blood relation, right of poor and Neighbour |
132 |
133 |
134 |
135 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
140 |
141 |
142 |
143 |
143. Worldly gains of modesty and behaving nicely with parents |
144 |
145 |
146 |
147 |
148 |
149 |
149. Signs of beloved servants, usurping the rights of neighbours, the end of ill-gotten gains |
150 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
155 |
156 |
156. What advice Rasulullah (s.a.) gave to Ummah just five days before he (s.a.) passed away |
157 |
158 |
159 |
159. Scriptures of Abraham and Moses & ten Commandments of
Rasulullah (s.a.) |
160 |
161 |
162 |
163 |
164 |
165 |
166 |
166. What shortcomings will develop in Muslim Ummah before the commencement of Qayamah? |
167 |
168 |
169 |
170 |
171 |
171. Have the company of Mumin and don't invite evildoers at food |
172 |
172. Punishment of fornication in Akhirah, accusation and
backbiting |
173 |
174 |
175 |
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177 |
178 |
179 |
180 |
181 |
IX. Islami Dawah and its Relevant Topics |
182 – 200 |
182 |
183 |
183. Islamic Dawah [calling the people to fold of Allah] is the blessings of both the worlds |
184 |
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186 |
187 |
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189 |
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200 |
X. Struggle for Iqamatuddeen |
201 – 207 |
201 |
202 |
203 |
204 |
205 |
206 |
206. The consequence of discarding the struggle for Allah's Deen |
207 |
XI. Means to Sustain Da'ees Ilallah |
208 – 305 |
208 |
209 |
210 |
211 |
212 |
213 |
214 |
214. Emphasis on Nawafil and Tahajjud and abstinence from exaggeration |
215 |
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243 |
243. The dialogue about Za'kreen [who remember Allah and His
Angels] |
244 |
244. The Za'kir [One who remembers his Lord] in the sight of Allah |
245 |
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279. Consequences about unmindful-ness about concern for Akhirah |
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305 |
XII. Model of Rasulullah (s.a.) |
306 – 360 |
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XIII. Model of Prophet's Companions |
361 – 410 |
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XIV. Social Contacts and Public Affairs |
411 – 430 |
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XV. Concern for Akhirah & Love for Jannah |
431 – 451 |
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The Provision for Akhirah
1. Basis of the acceptance of deeds
Translation: Narrated by Abu Hurairah (r.a.): Rasulullah (s.a.) said,” On the
Day of Judgment, humans will be raised [treated or examined] in accordance to
their intention (for good deeds)” [Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Ma’ja]
Explanatory Note: On the Day of Judgment, Allah will not consider outward
appearance of humans; rather their intentions would be taken into consideration
for all good deeds. Allah knows what was the inclination of their hearts. Their
deeds will be accepted or rejected accordingly
2. Basis of reward in Akhirah
Translation: Narrated by Abdullah Ibne Omar
(r.a.): He asked from Rasulullah (s.a.), O Prophet of Allah! “Tell me about
Jihad and Ghazwah?” [i.e. what kind of Jihad is rewarded and under what
conditions, the Mujahid is deprived of it]
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, O Abdullah, “If you had
fought with the intention to get reward in Akhirah and remained steadfast till
the end, you will then get the reward of your performance and will be enlisted
with those who are steadfast. But if you had fought out of arrogance or for
show off, Allah will raise you on the Day of Judgment on the same condition”.
O Abdullah! With what intentions you fought and
under what state you were killed, under the same conditions you will be
[From Abu Dawood]
3. The end of A’lim [Islamic scholar] who is lost
in this world
Translation: It is narrated by Ibne Abbas (r.a.)
that Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The person whom Allah graced with the knowledge
of His Deen but he showed miserliness in teaching it to others and even if he
teaches to others, he collects remuneration for it and builds his own world.
Such persons will have bridle of fire on the Day of Judgment and an angel will
declare pinpointed to him that he is the person whom Allah favored with the
knowledge of Deen but he showed miserliness in teaching it to others and
collected money even to whom he taught and thereby built his own world. This
angel will constantly go on making this declaration till the end of
accountability on the Day of Judgment”. [What a disgraceful situation it would
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
4. Learning the Deen for earning the world
Translation: It is narrated by Abdullah Ibne
Maswood (r.a.) that Rasulullah (s.a.), addressing the people, said, “What will
happen when you will be involved in sedition, your youngsters will be grown up
and your elders will reach the fag end of their old age and the sedition will
be taken as tradition and if anyone gets up to fight against the sedition
[innovations], people will allege that this man is not doing good”.
Someone then asked Rasulullah (s.a.), “When such
crisis will fall upon the Ummah?” Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When the number of
honest and trusted people will be on decline and the number of power seekers
will be rampant. The true learned scholar of Deen will be on decrease and the
number of the learners of Deen will be on increase. Deen will be studied for
earning the worldly gains. People will do good deeds but for the sake of
material benefits”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb]
Explanatory Notes: “Sedition” here stands for
that state of decline and decadence that persists generations after generation
to the extent that the decline in Deen is considered as the right way and those
who will try to correct the situation will be nicknamed disdainfully. People
will say that those who have started the movement for improvement are incorrect
and their entire struggle is anti-Islamic. This condition will prevail at the
time when the number of people learning the Deen will abound but their
intention will not be clean. These will be the professional scholars of Deen,
apparently striving for their Akhirah but, in fact, the inherent objective will
be to earn the worldly benefits. Greed of the material gains and getting into
political power will be the dominant features of this age.
5. The knowledge of the Qur’an and the purity of
Translation: Imran Ibne Hussain (r.a.) narrates
that he passed through a person who was reciting the Qur’an [for reminding
others]. When he finished, he appealed to the people for monitory help.
Seeing this scenario, Imran Ibne Hussain (r.a.)
said, “I have heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying: One who recites the Qur’an should
beg from Allah alone. There will be some individuals in my Ummah who will
recite the Qur’an for begging from the people”.
[From Tirmizi]
6. The worst abode of pretenders
Translation: It is narrated by Abdullah Ibne
Abbas (r.a.) that Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “In the Hellfire, there is a valley
from which the Hell itself seeks refuge four hundred times every day. This
valley has been prepared for the pretenders of the Ummah of Rasulullah (s.a.),
for the bearers of the Book of Allah, for the one who spends in the way other
than Allah, for the one who performs Hajj and for the one who goes out for
Jihad [struggle] in the way of Allah”.
[If these acts are performed hypocritically for
the sake of pretension, they are doomed and their abode will be the valley in
the hellfire: Translator]
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Ma’ja – Ch.
7. Disrespect of Allah
Translation: It is narrated by Abdullah Ibne
Maswood (r.a.) that Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The person who performs Salah
articulately while he is in public [with all precautions and fear and correctly
performs Ruku and Sajud] and when he is alone, he offers his prayers with
recklessness, such person is disrespectful to his Sustainer and makes a fun of
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
8. Importance of sincerity of intention
Translation: It is narrated by Abu Umamah (r.a.)
that a person came to Rasulullah (s.a.) and inquired that a man participates in
Jihad for reward and for recognition in this world, will he get the reward?
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “He will get nothing”.
That person repeated his question three times and each time he (s.a.) gave the
same answer, “He will get nothing”.
At the end Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah (SWT)
will accept only that Amal [action/deed] which is performed for Him and only to
seek His pleasure”.
[From Abu Dawood & Nisa’i]
9. Pretension is Shirk [making partners with
Translation: Omar Ibne Khatt'ab (r.a.) narrates
that one-day he went to Masjid-e-Nabavi [the Masjid of Rasulullah (s.a.)] and
found that Maa’z Ibne Jabal (r.a.) was sitting by the grave of Rasulullah
(s.a.) and crying. He inquired, “What makes you to cry?”
Maa’z (r.a.) replied that he heard one thing
from Rasulullah
(s.a.) that had caused me to cry: He (s.a.)
told, “Even the slightest pretence tantamount to Shirk [making partners with
[From Mishkat]
Explanatory Note: Only this is not the Shirk
that a man bows down before an idol and puts sacrifice on its altar. But the
greatest Amal [action] if a person performs for the pleasure of others, or for
show-off or for feeling elated in their eyes; in fact, he commits an act of
Shirk. ‘To please’ is the right of Allah and he has shared it with others.
10. Who deserves the help of Allah?
Translation: It is narrated by a person from
Madinah that Mua’via (r.a.) wrote to Aisha (r.a.) requesting her to advise him
in the briefest possible words.
In respond Aisha (r.a.) wrote, Blessings of
Allah be upon you. I have heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “Those who are
desirous to get the pleasure of Allah and do not care for the displeasure of
others, Allah helps such people and the displeasure of others does not cause
any damage to them. But those who seek the pleasure of others at the cost of
displeasure to Allah, Allah deprives them of His helping hands and throws them
to the vagaries of humans. As a result, they remain deprived of the help of
Allah and also they do not get any assistance from those whom he pleased at the
cost of displeasure to Allah”. Blessings of Allah may be upon you.
[From Tirmizi -Chapter: Persuasion]
11. Reward of seeking Akhirah
Translation: It is narrated by Zaid Ibne Thabit
(r.a.) that he heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “The person whose objective of
life is [the attainment of] this world, Allah will deprive him of the peace and
contentment of his heart and will always be running after the greed of
collecting wealth an insatiable wants. He will get only that portion from this
world that Allah had allotted to him. And those, whose objective is [the
attainment of] Akhirah, Allah will shower upon them the peace and contentment
of heart, protect it from the greed of wealth and they will get positively the
allotted fortune of this world “.
[Al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb]
12. The Purity of intention and the reward of
Translation: Anas Ibne Malik (r.a.) narrates
that while traveling with Rasulullah (s.a.) on return back from Ghazwah Tabuk
[the battle of Tabuk], he (s.a.) said during this journey, “Some people were
left behind in Madinah but in fact they have been [constantly] with us in every
valley and every mountain pass that we crossed throughout this journey. They
were left behind only because due to some [honest] excuses”.
[From Bukhari & Abu Dawood]
Explanatory Note: This Hadith connotes that if
anyone had the intention to do some good deed but due to some inability
[excuses], he could not perform it, Allah will not deprive him from the reward
of that Amal [action].
13. Purity of intention and reward of Allah
Translation: Abu Darda (r.a.) narrates from
Rasulullah (s.a.) that he (s.a.) said, “One who goes to bed with the intention
to get up for Tahajjud [nightly prayers] but due to deep slumber, he could not
arise till the dawn breaks, the Salah of Tahajjud will be recorded to the
credit of his account and the sleep [of that night] will be counted as reward
from his Sustainer”.
[From Nisa’i & Ibne Ma’ja]
14. Invaluable fruits of Sincerity
Translation: Maa’z Ibne Jabal (r.a.) narrates
that when Rasulullah (s.a.) was deputing him to Yemen, he said, “O Prophet of
Allah! Please give me some advice”.
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Keep your intention
clean [from all kinds of impurities. What ever you do, do it for the pleasure
of Allah. In that case], a few deeds will suffice you [for your salvation] ”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb & Al-Ha’kim:
Chapter –Sincerity]
15. Iman, Islam, Ehsan and signs of Doomsday
Translation: It is narrated by Abu Hurairah (r.a.) that Rasulullah (s.a.) said,
“You should ask me about Deen” But people, out of respect, were generally
hesitant to ask questions from him (s.a.). [And every body was desirous that
someone comes from outside and puts questions to Rasulullah (s.a.). This way,
they will also be benefited]
So, a person came and sat very close to him (s.a.) and asked, “O Prophet of
Allah! What is Islam?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Not to associate partners with Allah, establishing
Salah, paying Zakah, and fasting in Ramadan”.
He confirmed it and asked, “O Prophet of Allah! What is Iman?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Belief in Allah, His angels, His Scriptures, His
Messengers, resurrection in Akhirah and believing that whatever is happening in
this world is in accordance to His planning and discretion”.
He confirmed it and asked, “O Prophet of Allah! What is Ehsan?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “You fear Allah as if He is before your eyes. But if
you cannot see Him, then [you take it for granted] He is watching you”.
He confirmed it and asked, “O Prophet of Allah! When the dooms-day will come?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The way you are ignorant of it, similarly, I am also
ignorant about its appointed hours but I can tell you its signs”.
“When you see that the woman has become the Master of her lord, take it as the
sign that the dooms-day is at hand”.
“And when you see the bear-footed, dumb, deaf and naked people have become the
master of the land, take it as the sign that the dooms-day is at hand”.
“And when you see that the shepherds are competing with one and other in
constructing high-rise buildings, take it as a sign that the dooms-day is at
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb -Ref: Bukhari & Muslim]
Explanatory Note: Literary meaning of Iman is conviction and trust in Allah.
Islam means total surrender to Allah. Ehsan means to do something artistically
with excellence.
The objective of the third question was how a man can be a pious and dutiful
slave of Allah? Rasulullah (s.a.) replied to this question that man couldn’t
attain the best of deeds with best of intention unless he develops a constant
vision that he is seeing Allah and he is present before Him or he is constantly
under the watch of Allah. The essence of this concept is this that without
constantly living under the conviction that either he is seeing Allah or Allah
is watching him wherever he is and whatever he is doping; one cannot attain
perfection with adoration in any of his action or deed. Further, the woman
becoming the master of her Lord means that she is disobedient to her husband.
Similarly, when the slave girl shows high headedness to her master, sons become
arrogant to fathers, youngsters become disrespectful to elders, these are the
approaching signs of the dooms-day. The second visible sign will appear when
the uncivilized and dunce become the rulers of this earth. The third sign will
appear when the people of low profile and the poor abound in wealth and it is
expended in constructing tall and magnificent buildings in competition to
others. When these signs are visible, it means that the dooms-day is at hand.
As regards its timing, it is known to Allah alone.
6. Kalimah Tayyeba and Sincerity of Heart
Translation: From Zaid b Arqam (r.a.),
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “One who recites, La Ilaha Ilallah with sincerity will
enter intoparadise”.
People asked, “What is Ikhlas [Sincerity]?
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “It connotes that
accepting this Kalimah, one must restrain from all that Allah has prohibited”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
And Musnad Ahmad has quoted [this Hadith] from
Rifa’a Juhni (r.a.) in these words, “One who stands witness with sincerity that
there is no deity except Allah, confirms that I am the Messenger of Allah and
follows the straight path, he will enter into paradise”.
And Tirmizi narrates, “The person who recites
Kalimah and keeps himself aloof from Kaba’air [great sins] will go to Jannah
Explanatory Note: All the above three narrations
are extremely important. Mere recitation of Kalimah – La Ilaha Illallah, is no
guarantee of Heaven. Along with it, following the straight path as ordained by
Allah and His Prophet (s.a.) and never approaching even to the proximity of
[Kaba’air] great sins, are essential requisites to get into paradise.
17. Blessings of good deeds
Translation: Abdullah b Umar (r.a.) asked from
Rasulullah (s.a.), “O Prophet of Allah: will we be accountable for the deeds of
Shirk [idolatry] committed during the time of Jahilyah [days of ignorance
before Islam]?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Those who will do good
deeds in Islam will not be made accountable for Shirk [idolatry] committed
during Jahilyah but those who will commit bad deeds in Islam will be
accountable for the bad deeds of both the periods”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
18. State of Iman
Translation: Anas b Malik (r.a.) reports:
Rasulullah (s.a.) visited
a youth who was about to die.
He (s.a.) asked, “Under what state you are?”
The youth said, “O Prophet of Allah! I feel
hopeful of the Rahmah [kindness] of Allah but equally, I am fearful of my
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Under such conditions
[as at the time of death], Allah fulfils both the expectations. Allah will
protect him from what he fears [from Hellfire] and grant him of what he was
hopeful [the Paradise]”.
[From Tirmizi]
Explanatory Note: This Hadith teaches us the
lesson that a Mumin neither feels despondent from the mercy of Allah nor
nurtures no concern about the consequences of his sins. This state of Iman has
also been described in these words: “Iman is in between hope and fear”. Expectation
of kindness from Allah leads to good deeds and fear of the consequences of
sins leads towards repentance and seeking pardon
from Him.
[OF PROPHET (s.a.)]
19. Emphasis on fulfillment of Obligations
Translation: Abdullah b Abbas (r.a.) narrates that Rasulullah (s.a.), while
giving a Khutba said, “Allah has ordained right for everyone. So fulfill what
is due to each. Be aware, Allah has declared some obligations [fulfill them],
and designated some ways and methods [follow them], permitted some things [use
them], and prohibited certain things [don’t go near them]. The Deen, which He
has designed for you, it is easy and balanced, comprehensive and all
encompassing. It is not suffocating”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
Explanatory Note: From “suffocation”, it means that you will neither feel
deprived by following the Deen nor it will retard the progress of human’s life.
The highway of Deen is vast and smooth.
20. Deep involvement with the Qur’an
Translation: Abu Shareeh Khizai (r.a.) says that
one day Rasulullah (s.a.) came to us and said, “Do you stand witness that there
is no deity except Allah and I am the Messenger of Allah?” People confirmed it
After that Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “One end of
this Qur’an is in the hands of Allah and the other end is in your hands. So
hold it fast, you will never go astray, nor you will ever meet destruction
after that”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
21. The Testament of Rasulullah (s.a.)
Translation: Ibne Abbas (r.a.) narrates that
Rasulullah (s.a.) addressed us at the time of his last Hajj to Makkah and said,
“I am leaving behind for you the thing if you hold it fast, you will never go
astray: the Book of Allah and the traditions of His Prophet (s.a.)
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
22. Significance of the Revival of Sunnah
Translation: Omar b Aauf (r.a.) narrates that
one day Rasulullah (s.a.) said to Bilal b Harith (r.a.),” O Bilal! Be aware”.
He (r.a.) said, “O Prophet of Allah, “About what you are asking me to be aware
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Those who will revive
my Sunnah after it is forgotten will get the reward equal to one who has been
practicing it and the reward of those who were holding it will not be reduced.
And those who will innovate something in Deen against the consent of Allah and
His Rasul (s.a.), he will be punished equal to one who was practicing it
without making any reduction in the punishment of those who were practicing
[From Tirmizi]
23. Extraordinary reward for following Sunnah
Translation: Ibne Abbas (r.a.) narrates that
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Who will uphold my tradition while the Ummah is
suffering from Fasad [is deviated], he will get the reward equal to hundred
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
Explanatory Note: Such a tremendous reward he
will get because in spite of the fact that his environment was not conducive
and encountering immense opposition all around, he did not compromise with the
wrongful attitude of the people. Rather, he stood firm as witness with his life
and demonstrated that the salvation lies only in following life
pattern of Rasulullah (s.a.).
24. Miswak [tooth brush] and the pleasure of Allah
Translation: From Aisha (r.a.). Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Miswak [tooth brush]
cleans the mouth and is a means to get the pleasure of Allah “. In another
narration: “it increase eyes sight”
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
25. Wadhu -Recognition of Muslim
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Gabriel asked Rasulullah (s.a.), “What is Islam?”
He (s.a.) said, “The Islam is: You bear witness
that there is no deity except Allah and Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah;
establish Salah and pay Zakah; perform Hajj and Umrah; take shower when it is
essential; make wadhu correctly; and fast during Ramadan”. The questioner asked
if he maintains all these, would he be considered as Muslim?
Rasulullah (s.a.) confirmed, “Yes”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Khazima]
Explanatory Note: It is a part of the long
Hadith of Gabriel, which has been narrated in different manner This Hadith
deals with Hajj, Umrah and wadhu. The purpose of quoting this Hadith is to give
due emphasis on performing wadhu correctly the way Rasulullah (s.a.) did. The
good wadhu will lead to concentration in prayers and create the condition of
devotion and fear. The devil will be least able to pollute the Salah and that
will be a great success.
26. Azan – Protection from punishment
Translation: From Anas b Malik (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When Azan is called for Salah in any habitation, Allah
protects it from the punishment of the day”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
27. Azan: the commitment of Pardon and Paradise
Translation: Aqabah b Amir (r.a.) quotes from
Rasulullah (s.a.), “Your Lord is extremely pleased with the shepherd when he
calls for Azan from a mountaintop and offers Salah.
Allah (SWT) responds: Look to my slave, he is
calling for Azan away from habitation and offers prayers, he fears me, I will
pardon him and reward him with paradise”.
[From Abu Dawood and Nis’ai]
28. The first question on the Day of Judgment
Translation: From Abdullah b Qurt (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The first question on the Day of Judgment will be
asked about Salah. If he succeeds, he will come out with flying colors in the
rest of his deeds. If he fails in the evaluation of his Salah, his entire deeds
will be spoiled”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
Explanatory Note: This is so because Salah is
the practical demonstration of Tawheed [Oneness of God] and is the foundation
of Deen. If the edifice is sound, the entire structure will be strong. If the
foundation is weak, the entire structure will be infirm.
29. Time to extinguish inferno of sin
Translation: From Anas b Malik (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “At the time of every prayer an angel declares: O the
progenies of Adam! Get up to extinguish the fire that you have ignited”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
Explanatory Note: In between two Salah, people
commit a lot of mistakes [sins] both small and great which may transform into
hellfire in the next world. The angle, therefore, calls: come to Masjid to
extinguish the fire ignited by you, offer prayers and beg His pardon. Only His
pardon can put out this fire.
30. The beloveds of Allah
Translation: Anas b Malik(r.a.) heard Rasulullah
(s.a.) saying. “Those who habitat the houses of Allah are His beloved friends”.
[From Tabrani] Explanatory Note: Those who
habitat the houses of Allah [Masajid] and render services for them, they are
the beloved slaves of Allah.
31. Attachment with Masjid, the proof of Iman
Translation: From Abu Sayeed Khudri (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When you see a person attending Salah in congregation
in Masjid on a regular basis, you confirm that he is a Mumin”.
[From Tirmizi & Ibne Ma’ja]
32. Steps towards Salah in Congregation
Translation: Ubai b Ka’ab (r.a.) narrates that
the house of an Ansari was far away from the Prophet’s Masque but he was
regular in attending Salah in the Masjid without losing any one. Someone asked
him, “Why don’t you get a donkey to enable you to attend the Masjid both in hot
weather and during the night?”
He replied, “I do not prefer to have residence
near Masjid. I want to come on foot and get the reward for each step in coming
to and from the Masjid”. Hearing this Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah (SWT) will
reward him for each step”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Muslim]
33. Salatul Fajr and Isha in the eyes of Sahabah
Translation: Abdullah Ibne Umar (r.a.) says that
when we did not find any one at the time of Fajr and Isha in congregation, we
used to have bad presumption about him.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Khazima,
Explanatory Note: They were presuming such
persons as hypocrites who were mostly found absent in Fajr and Isha. There was
no electricity. People could hide themselves easily. The hypocrites, whose
hearts were devoid of Iman, used to abstain. The Qur’an has depicted their
picture in these words: “they come to prayer but under compulsion with no
34. Matters to think for Imam
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “One who leads the prayer should fear Allah. He should
know that he is accountable for the followers [behind him in Salah]. If he
leads the prayer in perfect order, he will get the reward equal to his
followers with no decrease in their reward. But if his leadership [in Salah] is
defective, he himself will be the loser and his followers will suffer nothing”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
35. Preference for offering non-obligatory
prayers in house
Translation: Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.) says that
he asked Rasulullah (s.a.), “Is offering of non-obligatory prayers in house
better than in Masajid?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Don’t you see how close
my house is from Masjid? Offering non-obligatory prayers in house is more
preferable to me than in the Masjid but the obligatory prayers must be offered
in the Masjid”.
[Ibne Ma’ja & Musnad Ahmad]
36. Stealing in the prayer
Translation: From Abu Qatada (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “The worst thief is that who commits stealing in his prayers”.
People asked. “O Prophet of Allah! What means the stealing in prayers?
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “It means that he does
not perform Ruku and Sajud in perfect order”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani & Ibne
37. Disintegration of Islamic order
Translation: From Abu Umamah (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “A time will come when the order of Islam will fall apart one by
one. When something will disintegrate, people, instead of removing the disorder
will be contented with the remaining part. The first thing that will fall apart
will be the order of justice [Rightful guided Khilafah] and the last thing will
be the order of Salah”. [Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Heban]
Explanatory Note: It means that gradually the
foundation of Deen will start crumbling one by one. First the political
sovereignty of Islam will wither away, resulting in fast dwindling of the
system till the last link of the chain will be lost too. Most of the people
will abandon Salah and that will be the last stage of decadence.
38. Significance of Zakah in Deen
Translation: Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.) narrates,
“We have been ordained to establish Salah and pay Zakah. One who offers Salah
but does not pay Zakah, his Salah will not be
accepted by Allah”.
In other version, such person is not Muslim and
his deeds will not benefit him [on the Day of Judgment].
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
39. Zakah, the right of Allah
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When you have paid Zakah on your wealth, you have
fulfilled your obligation to Allah. And one who has accumulated ill-gotten
gains and expends in the way of Allah, he will get no reward but, on the
contrary, it would be a sin”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Khazima &
Ibne Heban]
40. Fasting in Ramadan and Traviah
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah has prescribed fasting in Ramadan obligatory and
I have introduced Salatul Traviah for you. Those who will fast
in Ramadan and offer Traviah with Iman and
expecting reward, they will be as clean from sin as they were when born”.
[Al-Targheeb & al-Tarheeb]
Explanatory Note: In Hadith the word “Qaya’m”
has been used which means Traviah. On who is Mumin and does these two things,
expecting reward in Akhirah, all his sins will be pardoned. As regards sins
pertaining to rights of the people, they will be pardoned only when either the
right is returned to the rightful person or he forgives with pleasure.
41. Emphasis on Sehri [i.e., eating before dawn
Translation: Abdullah b Harith (r.a.) narrated
from a companion of Rasulullah (s.a.) that he went to him (s.a.) at the time
when he was taking Sehri. Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Taking Sehri is the blessing
granted by Allah. So, never give up taking Sehri”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Nisa’i]
Explanatory Note: Jews were not accustomed to
take Sehri while fasting. It was an innovation introduced by their Rabbis or
they were restrained by Allah to have Sehri in consequence to their
transgression. Simple and easy directives were given to the Ummah of the last
Prophet of Allah and Sehri is one of them. Sehri helps in remembering Allah
well during day time and creates ease in other works. This is the blessing of
42. Fasting, the Zakah of body
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “There is a Zakah [purification] of every thing. The
Zakah of the body is fasting and the fasting is half Sabr”.
[From Ibne Ma’ja]
Explanatory Note: According to modern research
all the Muslims and non-Muslims Doctors are of the opinion that through fasting,
as per Muslim’s tradition, one gets rid of a lot of dangerous diseases. And
that “fasting is half Sabr” means: it is an Ebadah that is comparatively more
pure than others and is free of pretension, and the spiritual power that one
gets in sustaining control over the self is equal to half of what one can get
from all the rest of the Ebadah.
43. Fasting is a shield
Translation: Uthman b Abul A’s (r.a.) reports
that he heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “The way a shield protects you in the
battle field, similarly, fasting is a shield that will protect you from
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb]
44. Prayers for breaking fast and its big reward
Translation: Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The Muslim
who fasts and recites this Du’a [with the breaking of his fast] ‘ O the
Magnificent Allah, the Al-Mighty, the Supreme! You are my Lord, there is no
deity except you, pardon my enormous sins and only Thou can pardon my great
sins [Translation f the Du’a], he will be cleaned of his sins as if he is born today”.
[Al-Targheeb WA Al-Tarheeb]
45. Etiquette of Fasting
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Fasting is not just giving up eating or drinking. The
real fasting is to keep away from useless and absurd acts and restrain from
lustful talks. So one who is fasting, if he is rebuked or put to altercation,
he should declare that he is fasting, he is fasting”. [i.e., he is not in a
position to argue]
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Khazima &
Ibne Heban]
46. Fasting while traveling
Translation: Anas b Malik (r.a.) says that we
were traveling with Rasulullah (s.a.), some of us were fasting and some were
not. We stopped at one place and it was a very hot day. Those who have blanket
were most comfortable and were under shadow while some were protecting
themselves just by hands. At this juncture, those who were fasting fell down
and those who were not, got up, fixed their tents and watered their rids
[Seeing this condition] Rasulullah (s.a.) said,
“Today, those who were not fasting collected all the Ajr [reward]”. In another
tradition it is said, “The companions (r.a.) opined that the traveler who has
the stamina, preferably, should fast and the traveler who feels week should
preferably not fast”.
[From Muslim]
Explanatory Note: Perhaps it was the journey for
the Conquest of Makkah that occurred in Ramadan. During this journey at some
place, Rasulullah (s.a.) broke his fast so that others might follow him (s.a.).
But some fasted because Rasulullah (s.a.) did not ordain to do it. When they
stopped at some place, those who were fasting were feeling run down but those
who were not got up with zeal, fixed their tents and watered the riding
47. Topic Same
Translation: Jabir (r.a.) narrates that
Rasulullah (s.a.) passed through a person who was lying unconscious under the
shadow of a tree and people were sprinkling water upon him. Rasulullah (s.a.)
inquired, “What happened to him?” People said, “O Prophet of Allah! He was
fasting, could not sustain and fell down unconscious". Rasulullah (s.a.)
said, “Fasting, while traveling is no good. It is essential for you to get the
benefit of Allah’s given concessions”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Nisa’i]
Explanatory Note: The person who is bodily week
and is likely to encounter such situation due to fasting, he should enjoy the
benefit of Allah’s given concession.
48. Significance of Ramadan fasting
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “If someone [intentionally] abandons even one day of
fasting in Ramadan without any excuse, permissible in Shariah [state of
sickness or traveling], if he fasts for the whole of his life, will not be able
to compensate for this day”.
[Tirmizi & Abu Dawood]
49. Tragic end of those who disregard fasting
Translation: Abu Umamah Al-Baheli (r.a.) reports
that he heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “While, I was sleeping two persons
came, they hold my shoulder, brought me to a rugged
mountain and asked me to climb over it. I told
them that I cannot climb”.
They said, “Climb, we will make it easy for
So I climbed and when I reached the middle of
the mountain,
I heard the sounds of crying extremely
I (s.a.) asked, “What these cries are?
They replied, “These are the cries of the people
in the Hellfire”.
Then I advanced further, I saw some people who
were hanging upside down, their jaws have been torn apart and were bleeding.
I (s.a.) inquired, “Who are these people?”
They told me, “They are those who intentionally
abandoned fasting, eating and drinking in the month of Ramadan”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Khazima &
Ibne Heban]
50. Eid – The day of reward
Translation: Sa’d b Aws Ansari narrates from his
father, Aws Ansari (r.a.) that Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When the day of Eid comes,
the angles of Allah take position at the corners of each street and declare, “O
the Believers! Proceed to your Lord Who is very merciful, tells you about the
good deeds, favors you with Tawfeeq to practice them and then award you with
big rewards. He ordained you for Traviah and you did it, He ordained you to
fast during the day time and you fasted, you followed the directives from your
lord, now come and pick up your prizes”. When the people complete their Eid
prayers, an angle announces, “O the people! Your Lord has pardoned you, so
returned to your homes with flying colors. This is the reward of Eid Day and
this day is known in the world of angles as the Day of Reward.”
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb]
51. Haste in performing obligatory Hajj
Translation: From Abdullah b Abbas (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “O the people! When Hajj becomes obligatory, make haste
in its performance as none of you knows when and what obstruction may fall in
its way”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb]
52. Consequence of neglecting Hajj
Translation: Abu Umamah (r.a.) narrates from
Rasulullah (s.a.), “If a person is not a poor, not sick and there is no
restriction form a tyrant ruler, even then he is not performing Hajj, it makes
no difference as to whether he dies as a Jew or a Christian”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Baihaqi] Explanatory
Note: If the performing of Hajj has become obligatory and there is no
restriction, even then if it is not performed, the Iman is in danger.
53. The pilgrims of Haram in the sight of Allah
Translation: From Jabir (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “Those who proceed on Hajj and Umrah are the honorable guests of
Allah (SWT). Allah called them to His house and they responded. Now whatever
prayers they made before Him, He granted them”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb}
Explanatory Note: There are different versions
of this Hadith. In some, the pilgrims ask for pardon, Allah accepts it. In
some, it is stated that Allah also pardons those about whom, the pilgrims pray
for their Maghfirah [pardon]. However, it must be clearly understood that the
sins that pertain to human rights will not be excused till the person [whose
rights have been usurped or violated] himself forgives it.
54. Women’s Jihad – Hajj and Umrah
Translation: Abu Hurairah (r.a.) quotes from
Rasulullah (s.a.), “The Jihad [struggling in the way of Allah] for the elders,
the week and womenfolk is the performing of Hajj and Umrah”.
[From Nisa’i]
55. The True Hajj
Translation: Abdullah b Umar (r.a.) narrates
that a person asked Rasulullah (s.a.), “Who is the Haji [one who performs the
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Whose hair are in
disarray and putting on dirty cloths”.
The man asked, “What action of Hajj is the
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Reciting loudly the
Talbeeh of Labbaik and sacrificing animal”.
The man asked, “What is the meaning of
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “It means the transport
and the traveling expenses”.
[From Ibne Ma’ja]
Explanatory Note: This Hadith tells us that what
kind of Pilgrimage Allah likes. Rasulullah (s.a.) elaborates that Hajj is a
worship of total devotion. Those who intend to visit the House of their beloved
Allah; they should have little or least botheration about their food, dress and
shower. Whatever time they get should utilize it in praying, reciting, crying
and seeking the pardon of Allah.
In the last question, the man, referring the
word “Als-Sabeel” of Verse 47 of Al-Imran, asked what it connotes? Rasulullah
(s.a.) explained that there must be proper
arrangement of transport to reach the House of Allah and traveling expenses for
the journey.
56. Allah’s especial bounties for the people of
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said,”When pilgrims cry and beg near the mount of Arafat, Allah
(SWT) gets down to the first sky [close to this world] and says to His angles:
Look to my slaves, in what condition they have come to Me with hairs in
disarray and covered with dust”.
Explanatory Note: It appears from this Hadith
that when people reach Arafat and are totally absorbed in begging and crying to
their Lord with hope, secretly and loudly, the mercy of Allah is especially
showered upon them.
57. Sacrifices and Sincerity
Translation: From Ali b Talib (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “O people! Sacrifice [animal], shed the blood of animals for
reward in the Akhirah. Though the blood of the animals apparently falls on the
ground but, in fact, it is deposited with Allah (SWT) [in the account of one
who sacrifices]”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
Explanatory Notes: In the Hadith, the word of
“Hirz” has been used. Hirz is that box in which people keep their cloths etc.
On the day of Adha, sacrifice is the greatest source of reward. The blood of
animal, in our limited vision, falls on the ground and becomes valueless. But
as the Prophet of Allah says it goes directly to the treasure of Allah to the
credit of one who sacrifices it.
58. Who is the unfortunate?
Translation: From Abu Sayeed Khudri (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah (SWT) says: the person whom I blessed with
health and financial prosperity and he enjoys this condition continuously for
five years, he did not care to come to Me, he is unfortunate”.
[Al-Targheeb – Ibne Heban]
Explanatory Notes: Health and prosperity are two
great favors of Allah. Who has got these blessings, he should try utmost to
cement his relation with Allah and be thankful to Him both through words and
deeds. But getting these favors, he does not turn to Allah, not one, two, three
but completely for five years for performing Hajj to the House of Allah, what
can be more unfortunate thing than this event. He should know it clearly that
the One who has made these favors to him, can take them back instantly and
there is no guarantee that will he ever get them back.
59. Balance in Ebadah
Translation: From Ziad b Nuaim Hadrami (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah has ordained four Ebadah, obligatory in Islam. A
person who performs three Ebadah and neglects the fourth one, the three will
not benefit him till he acts upon all the four. The four obligatory Ebadah are:
Salah, Zakah, Sawm and Hajj”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
Explanatory Note: This and other Ahadith,
falling in the same category tell us the importance of Salah, Zakah, Sawm and
Hajj in Deen. Especially, they constitute a great significance for today’s
Muslims. A large number of Muslims have abandoned Salah. Even those who perform
Salah don’t pay Zakah. Some fast but don’t go near Salah nor pay Zakah. Some
care for Salah, Sawm and Zakah but are neglecting Hajj. Rasulullah (s.a.) warns
such people to perform all the four with equal emphasis. If you take care of
only three and neglect the fourth, you will be in great trouble in the Akhirah.
Allah (SWT) will ask that He made four fundamentals obligatory Ebadah not
three, two or one: who authorized you to make this division? Being the slave,
how you became the master?
Committing to Kalimah, becoming Muslim,
acknowledging the position of servitude and being the follower of My Prophet
(s.a.), how you revolted against the established fundamentals of Deen? Brother
and sisters, think over this scenario. What reply you will have on the Day of
Judgment? What a tragic consequence you will be encountering on that Day!
60. The rights of Parents
Translation: Abu Umamah (r.a.) narrates that a person asked from Rasulullah
(s.a.), “What rights parents have on their children?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “They are your heaven and hell”.
[From: Ibne Ma’ja]
Explanatory Note: If you take care of them and meet your obligations, you will
earn paradise but if you don’t do that, you will land in hell.
From another Hadith and the directives of the Qur’an, it appears that the
position of mother is higher than that of the father. The Qur’an, after giving
due emphasis over nice treatment with parents, describes the trouble and
hardship which the mother sustains during pregnancy, nursing and caring. The
onerous right of mother can be understood from the following Hadith: Translation:
A person came to Rasulullah (s.a.) and said, “O Prophet of Allah! I carried my
mother on my back from Yemen and performed Hajj, putting her always on my back.
I circulated around the House of Allah, hurriedly walked between Safa and
Marwah, went to Arafat, came to Muzdalfah, threw pebbles in Manaa with her on
my back. She is too old to move around at all. I have performed all these acts
keeping her on my back. Have I fulfilled her rights or my obligations to her?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “No”. The man asked, “Why not”? Rasulullah (s.a.) said,
“It is because she sustained all the trouble and hardship with the prayer that
you be alive and what you have done with her, it was with the intention that
she may die soon”
61. Paradise under the foot of the mother
Translation: Mua’via b Jahemah (r.a.) reports
that his father went to Rasulullah (s.a.) and said, “O Prophet of Allah! I want
to participate in Jihad and have come to seek your consent”. Rasulullah (s.a.)
asked, “Is your mother alive?” He said, “yes”.
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Keep you busy in her
service. Heaven lies under her foot”.
[Musnad Ahmad]
Explanatory Note: Rasulullah (s.a.) knew that
his mother was alive. She was old and was in dire need of his services but the
son was desirous to participate in Jihad. He (s.a.) advised that the
battlefield of Jihad is in your house. Go and take care of your mother This
Hadith does not mean at all that whose parents are alive should not come out of
his house for the service of Deen. The parents of the most of the Sahabah
(r.a.) were alive but they were going out for Jihad and Dawah Ilallah.
62. Compensation for praying and seeking
Maghfirah for Parents
Translation: From Anas b Malik (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “If some one’s parent died and he had been disobedient
to them in their lifetime. He becomes conscious of it and starts praying for
them regularly. Allah will treat him as obedient to his parents and save him
from the consequences of his disobedience”.
[Baihaqi – Al-Iman]
63. Nicely dealing with parents after death
Translation: Abu Usaid Malik b Ibne Rabia
Sa’aidi (r.a.) narrates that we were sitting with Rasulullah (s.a.), a person
from Banu Salmah came and asked him (s.a.), “O Prophet of Allah! My parents are
dead. Is there any right of my parents left with me to fulfill?” Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “Yes. After the death of parents, it is obligatory upon children
that they should pray for them, seek their Maghfirah [pardon] from Allah,
fulfill their commitments, and nicely treat the relations akin to them and to
be respectful to their friends and entertain them”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Abu Dawood, Ibne
Ma’ja & Ibne Heban]
64. Treating nicely with Maternal Aunt
Translation: Abdullah b Umar(r.a.) reports that
a person came to Rasulullah (s.a.) and said, “O Prophet of Allah! I have
committed a great sin. Is there any possible chance for me to
repent for it?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) asked, “Are your parents
He said, “No”.
Rasulullah (s.a.) again asked, “Have you any
maternal aunt?”
He said, “Yes”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Go and serve her”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
Explanatory Note: The general condition of Tawba
[repentance] is this that man repents for his deeds, cries in heart and seeks
Allah’s pardon. But Rasulullah (s.a.), under wider spectrum of Knowledge from
Allah (SWT), understood that if fair and nice treatment is given to mother or
maternal aunt, this sin could be washed out. None could envision such a way out
except the Prophet of Allah.
65. Respectability to Teacher
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Learn about Deen, develop modesty and seriousness for
acquiring the knowledge of Deen and be humble and submissive to your teachers
[or from whom you learn]”.
[From: Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb-Tabrani]
Explanatory Note: It is a confirmed opinion of
scholars that after Allah and His Rasul (s.a.) the highest position is that of
parents and then that of the teacher. They [parents] are the physical guardians
and the teacher is the guardian of Deen. After physical nourishment, training
of Deen and morality starts. Parents are like the architects and teachers
decorate and beautify the building.
66. The rights of the husband
Translation: Abdullah b Abbas (r.a.) reports
that a woman came to Rasulullah (s.a.) and said, “O Prophet of Allah! Women
have sent me to you as their representative: You see Jihad is obligatory only
on men. If they get wounded, they get reward. If they are martyred, they live
alive with their Lord and will be harvesting rewards from Him. We the womenfolk
protect their houses and children behind them. What reward we would get?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “You communicate it to women with whom you come in
contact, “Being obedient to husbands and recognizing their rights is equal to
Jihad but a very few of you will behave like this”.
The same Hadith has appeared in Tabrani whose
contents are as follows: The women’s representative said to Rasulullah (s.a.),
“The womenfolk have sent me as their representative and every woman, weather
she knows it or not, prefers my coming over to you: See, Allah is the Lord and
Master both of men and women and you have been appointed as Messenger to both
the genders. Jihad has been made obligatory on men and not on women. If they
kill the enemy, they get a reward and Ghanimah [war booty]. If they are
martyred, they get a bountiful life to live with their Lord. What acts of
obedience should we do which equals to their Jihad?”
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Obedience to their
husband and recognizing their rights has the same status as that of Jihad for
men. But rarely you will do it”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb]
67. The right of wife
Translation: From Sumrah b Jundab (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Woman has been created out of rib. If you want to straighten
it, you will break it. Be nice to her, you will enjoy a happy life”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb; Ibne Heban]
Explanatory Note: Woman is created from rib. It
means her temperament, process of thinking and method of working are somewhat
different than man. In the family, the husband is the head and has the upper
hand. If a husband does not care for the feelings and sentiments of his wife
and insists to get his opinion prevailed, the home will be deprived of the true
pleasures of life. Rather, it will become hell of infighting. That is why
Rasulullah (s.a.) is educating men to be nice and decent with wives. If it is
not practiced, it will end in divorce and that is the most hated thing in the
Shariah of Allah. It is the last resort.
This Hadith does not tell that women are crooked
and men are very nice but through it Rasulullah (s.a.) communicates that in the
secular systems, people do not treat women nicely. You are the slaves of Allah,
so behave with them kindly.
In some other Hadith, the last phrase is “Be
nice to womenfolk”.
It means Rasulullah (s.a.) is directing husbands
to remind each other for treating their wives nicely. That is, you be nice
yourself to your wives and advise others to do the same.
68. Right of children
Translation: From Abdullah b Abbas (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Be kind to your children and give them good education
and Tarbiyah [training]”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Ma’ja]
69. Tarbiyah (training) of family and children
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When Allah gives authority to someone over others,
irrespective of fact whether the number is small or large, on the Day of
Judgment, Allah (SWT) will put him to question about those who were under his
control. Has he established the commands of Allah over his subordinates or
destroyed them through negligence? He will be specifically questioned about his
family members”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
Explanatory Note: The husband will be asked
about his wife, children and those who were under his care that how far he
educated them about Deen and provided moral training. If he has tried his best
to educate them about Deen and make them good Muslims, he may get relief
otherwise, he will be in great trouble, irrespective of the fact howsoever he
himself is religious minded and Allah conscious.
70. Right of poor Muslims
Translation: Umar b Khattab (r.a.) says that it
was asked to Rasulullah (s.a.), “What is the best deed?” Rasulullah (s.a.)
said, “To please the heart of a Mumin is a matter of great reward: If he is
hungry, feed him: if he has no cloth, get him cloths; if he has some
unfulfilled need, meet it”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb – From Tabrani]
71. Meeting the wants of needy Muslims
Translation: From Abu Sayeed Khudri (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When a Mumin feeds a Mumin while he is hungry, Allah
(SWT) will feed him with the fruits of paradise on the Day of Judgment.
If a Mumin quenches the thirst of a Mumin while
he is thirsty, Allah will serve him with “Al-Raheequl Al-Makhtoom” [the sealed
nectar – free of intoxication] from heaven.
And when a Mumin puts on cloth to a Mumin who is
naked, Allah will clad him with heavenly dress on the Day of Judgment”.
[From Tirmizi]
72. Reward for helping the needy
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When a person feeds his brother and quenches his
thirst with water, Allah will keep him away from Hellfire at a distance equal
to seven ditches of fire and the distance in between two ditches will be equal
to a journey of five hundred years”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
73. Drawing attention to good deeds
Translation: Abu Hurairah (r.a.) narrates from
Rasulullah (s.a.), “One who guides some one to a good deed, he will get the reward
equal to one who acts upon it. Allah likes that one who is in trouble is helped
[irrespective of the fact whether he is a Muslim or a non-Muslim]”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb]
74. Kindness with servants
Translation: From Abu Bakr (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “That man will not enter into heaven who is using his power and
authority in wrong way [harsh to his servants and slaves]”. People asked, “O
Prophet of Allah! Have you not told us that this Ummah will have greater number
of slaves and orphans in comparison to others?” He (s.a.) replied, “Yes, I told
you”. You treat them the way you are behaving with your children, feed them
what you eat yourselves”. People asked, “What worldly thing will be beneficial
in Akhirah?” Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The horse that you feed [maintain] to
ride towards battle field for Jihad in the way of Allah; treating nicely the
slave who acts at your place and if he is regular in Salah [he is a Muslim], he
deserves better treatment from you”. [Explanatory Note: This Hadith discusses
about slaves. It is also applicable to domestic servants]
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Ahmad, Ibne Ma’ja &
75. To burden to capacity
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Your slaves have the right upon you that you provide
them with food and water; dress them, put upon them the burden of work that
they can bear with and if you put them to heavy duty help them”. O the servants
of Allah “Don’t put them in pain and harshness those who are the creatures of
Allah and humans like you”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Heban]
76. Reward for being nice to servants
Translation: From Umar b Huraith (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The lighter you take work from your servants, the more
reward you will get”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Abu Yaa’li]
77. Kindness to animals
Translation: Jabir B Abdullah (r.a.) narrates
that a donkey passed by the side of Rasulullah (s.a.) whose face was
stigmatized and profusely bleeding form his nostrils. [Seeing this] Rasulullah
(s.a.) said. “Curse is upon the person who has done it. He (s.a.) then
announced not to stigmatize face or beat at the face”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Heban &
78. Prohibition of target shooting on the animals
Translation: It is narrated that Abdullah b Umar
(r.a.) passed through some kids of Quraish who were target shooting on some
birds or chicken with an understanding with the owner of the birds that the
arrow that will miss the target will be his [owner]. When the boys saw Ibne
Umar (r.a.), they took to their heels. Abdullah b Umar (r.a.) asked, “Who has
done it? Curse is upon him who has done it. Rasulullah (s.a.) has cursed upon
the person who uses animate objects for target shooting”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Bukhari & Muslim]
79. Incident of a camel
Translation: Yahya b Murrah (r.a.) reports that
he was sitting with Rasulullah (s.a.), a camel, running fast, came to him
(s.a.), sat down before him (s.a.) on his knees and tears were rolling down
from both of his eyes. Rasulullah (s.a.) asked me, “Go out and find out its
owner. Something had happened to him [and that is why he is crying]”. I came
out in search of the owner and came to know that it belongs to an Ansari. I
brought him to Rasulullah (s.a.). Rasulullah (s.a.) asked him. “What has
happened to your camel”? He said. “I don’t know the cause of his crying. We
benefited from him and irrigated our gardens and dates trees by carrying water
on his back. Now he is no good for watering purpose. Last evening we decided
among ourselves to slaughter him and distribute his meat”. Rasulullah (s.a.)
said, “Don’t slaughter him. Give it to me with price or no price”. The Ansari
said, “O Prophet of Allah! You take it without price”. The Narrator [of the
Hadith] says, “Rasulullah (s.a.) put the signs of Baitulmal [state treasury] on
that camel and then sent him to be included amongst the state owned animals”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Ahmad]
80. Sharpen knife before putting down goat [for
Translation: Abdullah b Abbas (r.a.) narrates
that Rasulullah (s.a.) passed through a person who was putting his leg on the
face of goat, sharpening the knife and she was watching it. Rasulullah (s.a.)
said, “Will she not die before you slaughter it? Do you want to give her a
double death?” In another version, words are like this: “Do you want to give
her a repeated death? Why couldn’t you sharpen your knife before pulling her
81. Don’t kill an animal before another one
Translation: Abdullah b Umar (r.a.) narrates
that he heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “Slaughter the animal with sharpened
knife and don’t kill an animal in front of another”. He (s.a.) further said,
“When you slaughter an animal, do it the fastest way”.
82. Subject Same
Translation: Al-Shirred (r.a.) says that he
heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “Who kills [even] a sparrow for nothing, it
will complain to Allah on the Day of Judgment: O Allah! This man killed me
uselessly and not for the sake of meat”.
Explanatory Note: Killing of animals for the
sake of pleasure is a great sin. They can be hunted only for food and that is
because their Creator has permitted humans to do so.
83. Prohibition of mutilation [of body]
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.) says
that he heard Rasulullah (s.a.) saying, “One who has mutilated a living being
and he dies before repentance, Allah will mutilate him on the Day of Judgment”.
[Musla: means mutilation of body parts]
84. Rightful means of earnings
Translation: From Jabir b Abdullah (r.a.). Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “O the
people! Fear Allah and don’t adopt wrongful means for earnings because no one
can die till he gets his entire [allotted] providence that may come belatedly.
So be fearful to Allah and use honest means for earnings your provision. Take
only rightful earnings and don’t go even near to wrongful means”.
[From Ibne Ma’ja]
85. The earnings of a laborer
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “The best earnings is that of a laborer, provided, he
performs his job with sincerity and well wishing”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
86. Earnings with hard labor
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah loves that Mumin who earns his leavings with
hard labor”.
[Al-Targheeb wa al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
87. Trade
Translation: Jumaiy b Umair (r.a.) narrates from
his uncle that someone asked from Rasulullah (s.a.) about the best means of
earnings. He (s.a.) said, “Trade [or business] that is free from all kinds of
methods prohibited by Allah and earnings through manual labor”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
88. Concept of correct means of earning
Translation: Ka’ab b Ujrah (r.a.) narrates that
a person passed by Rasulullah (s.a.), Sahabah (r.a.) observed that he is
actively involved in earning his living. They asked Rasulullah (s.a.), “Had his
struggle been in the way of Allah, how fine it would have been”.
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “If he is out to
struggle for his little children, it is in the way of Allah. If he is
struggling for taking care of his old parents, it will be in the way of Allah.
If he is working to protect himself from spreading his hands to others, it will
also be ch33unted in the way of Allah. But if he wanth3 to earn for show off or
getting supremacy over others, then his entire effort will be counted in the
way of Satan [devil]”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
Explanatory Notes: The entire life of a Mumin is
Ebadah and all his actions and deeds earn reward for him. The wide connotation
that Islam presents about life of abstinence, Taqwah and Ebadah is very much
visible from this Hadith. In another Hadith, it is ordained: “Whatever is
expended by a Mumin on his person, on his wife, on his children and on his
servants, it is all Sadaqah and Ebadah and he will be rewarded for it”.
89. The Correct concept about wealth
Translation: Sufyan Suri (RA) said, “At the time
of Prophet
(s.a.) and guided Caliphs, wealth was considered
as a pernicious object but in our time it has become the shield of a Mumin. If
these Dinar and Durham had not been with us, the kings and the rich would have
made us their handkerchief [subservient]. Today if someone has some wealth, he
should invest it into business so that he earns profit and increases his
capital. If he is poor, he will first sell his Deen. Expending from honest
earnings is not extravagancy”.
[From Mishkat]
Explanatory Note: “Kings and the rich would have
made us their handkerchief”. It means, if we would have no wealth, we would have
been forced to visit these people and they would have used us for their
objectives. But we have wealth, so we are free from them. During the time of
Prophet (s.a.) and his Companions (r.a.), their Iman was strong. That is why
they were save from all kinds of worldly temptations but today the Iman is weak
and in the state of poverty, people will be inclined to sell their Iman. So
this is an advice from Sufyan Suri (r.a.) and not an advocacy to lead a life of
The last sentence of his advice means that there
is no extravagancy if your earnings are honest. Extravagancy comes under the
category of Haram. For instance, if someone is dressing nicely, taking good
food, you cannot say he is extravagant. The condition is this that his fine
cloths and his delicious food have been obtained through honest means of
90. Persuasion to give loan
Translation: From Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Every loan is a Sadaqah”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb]
Explanatory Note: If a man of means gives loan
to some poor man, it is a good deed, he will get the reward from Allah. It is
because he has eased the difficult situation of the poor. Allah will ease the
condition of the creditor on the Day of Judgment.
91. Under the same heading
Translation: From Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “If a Muslim gives loan once to a Muslim, he will be
receiving such a big reward as if he has given the same amount twice”.
[From: Ibne Ma’ja]
92. The reward of giving relief to debtor
Translation: From Huzaifah (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “Angles approached a person [after his death] from amongst the
Muslims who passed before you and asked: Have you done
anything good in your worldly life?
He said, “No”.
They said, “Try to recollect”.
He said, “I used to give loans to people and
direct my servants to allow more time, if they are hard-pressed and cannot pay
back in time and if the debtor is solvent, be kind to him”.
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Allah (SWT) directs the
angles to forgive his mistakes”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Bukhari]
Explanatory Note: Sometime it happens that Allah
likes an action of His slave so much that He ignores his sins and entitles him
for the paradise. There are a lot of such instances in Ahadith. Who knows, when
and what action of a slave is appreciable by his Lord!
93. Subject Same
Translation: Buraidah (r.a.) heard Rasulullah
(s.a.) saying, “One who gives loan to a distressed person for a fixed time, one
Sadaqah [reward of a good deed] is recorded in his account every day. If he
[the debtor] could not pay by the appointed time, he [the creditor] extends the
time limit, then two Sadaqah [the reward of two goods deeds] will now be
credited to his account [the account of the creditor] every day”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
94. Accepting interest
Translation: From Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “One who accumulates interest-bearing wealth, he ends
in poverty”.
The words of another Hadith are: “The
interest-bearing wealth, howsoever it grows, it ends in adversity”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Ibne Ma’ja wa Ha’kim]
95. The tragic end of the usurer
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “On the Night of Accession when I reached the seventh
sky, I saw upward and there was lightening and thunder.
I passed through people with swollen bellies
looking like a house full of snakes, visible from outside.
I (s.a.) asked Gabriel, “Who are these people?”
He said, “They were eating interest [Al-Riba]”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Musnad Ahmad &
Ibne Ma’ja]
96. Subject Same
Translation: From Sumrah b Jundub (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “In the night I saw two persons came to me and carried
me to Baitul Muqaddas. We proceeded ahead till we reached a river of blood in
which a man was standing and on the bank of the river there was another man
with stones in his hands. The man standing in the river when he tries to come
out of it, the man at the bank by throwing stones on his face forces him to
retreat where he was standing. This was the constant scenario: Whenever he
tries to come out, he was not allowed to do so. When he reaches the bank, he is
forced to retreat by throwing stones on his face.
I (s.a.) asked Gabriel, “Who is that man in the
He said, “He is the person who was eating
interest [Riba] in the world”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Bukhari]
97. Depriving [someone] from inheritance is a sin
Translation: Sa’lim quotes from his father,
Abdullah b Umar (r.a.) that when Ghailan b Salamah Thaqafi (r.a.) entered into
Islam, he had ten wives. Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Select four wives from them
[and leave the rest]”. During the Khilafah of Umar (r.a.), he divorced all his
[four] wives and divided his wealth amongst the brothers of his father [uncles].
When Umar (r.a.) got the news, he called for Ghailan (r.a.) and said, “I think
Satan [the devil] had heard the news of your death and he had conveyed it to
you. Perhaps you will now live for a few days. That is why you have divorced
your wives to deprive them form inheritance and divided your wealth amongst
your uncles”.
“I swear by Allah, you have to turn back to your
wives and take back your divided wealth. Otherwise, I will make your wives
inherited by force and direct the people to throw stones on your grave as the
grave of Abu Righal is stoned”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
Explanatory Note: Allah (SWT) has fixed the
share of inheritance. None has the right to deprive the inheritor in any way.
It will be counted as a great sin. If there is an Islamic state and someone is
behaving like that, it is its responsibility to disallow such acts of
Stoning is a punishment meant for those who are
condemned. This Hadith shows that depriving an inheritor is an act of curs.
Abu Rijal was an Arab of Jahilyah. He conspired
with Abraha and guided his army, advancing towards Makkah for the demolition of
Allah’s House [Haram]. That is why the people used to stone the grave of this
cursed man.
98. Significance of people’s rights
Translation: From Aisha (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “There will be three types of recorded sins:
* Sins that Allah will never forgive: It is
associating partners with Him. Allah says in Verse 48 of Surah Al-Nisa: “Lo!
Allah forgives not that a partner should be ascribed to Him”
* The second recorded sin will be the violation
of human rights. Allah will not let it go till the oppressed gets back his
right from the oppressor.
* The third recorded sin will be the violation
of rights between Allah and His slaves. Now it is up to Allah, weather to
punish or forgive him. [It is within His discretion]”.
[From Mishkat]
99. Subject Same
Translation: Abbas b Mirdas (r.a.) narrates that
Rasulullah (s.a.) prayed for his Ummah in the evening of the Day of Arafah.
Allah (SWT) responded, “I have accepted your prayers. I will forgive the sins
of your Ummah but those who have usurped the rights of others, there will be no
relief for them till I recover the rights of the oppressed from the oppressor”.
[From Ibne Ma’ja]
Explanatory Note: No one should get confused
from this Hadith about the concept of Maghfirah [pardon] from Allah. Both the
laws of reward and punishment have been vividly described in the Qur’an and the
Sunnah of Rasulullah (s.a.) and for that it is sufficient to go through this
collection of Ahadith.
100. Tawakkal – Trust in Allah
Translation: From Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.). Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “One who
is poor and goes to people for help, he deserves to be rejected. But if he puts
his needs before Allah [for its fulfillment], either Allah will give him
provision in this world or will grace him with His bounties after death”.
[Musnad Ahmad]
Explanatory Note: This Hadith educates us about Tawakkal [trust]. It teaches us
to put our every need before Allah. He has every thing for us. Why then to
repose trust in humans like us who have nothing to offer?
101. Patience
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.), addressing the women of Ansa’r said, “If three children of
anyone of you pass away and she bears it, expecting reward in Akhirah, she will
get into paradise”. Hearing this, one of the women asked, “O Prophet of Allah!
If two pass away and she bears it [will she go to paradise?]”
Rasulullah (s.a.) confirmed that she would also
go to Jannah.
Another Hadith tells that a woman came to
Rasulullah (s.a.) with a baby in her laps and said, “O Prophet of Allah! Pray
for my child. I have already buried my three children”.
Rasulullah asked, “Are your three children
dead?” She said, " Yes”.
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Then, you have attained
a great protection against fire [It means your three children will protect you
from the Hellfire]”.
[AL-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Muslim]
102. Perseverance
Translation: Abdullah b Abu Awfa (r.a.) narrates
that Rasulullah (s.a.) kept waiting in certain Ghazwah [from attack] till the
sun was about to set, he (s.a.) got up and addressed, “O people! Don’t desire
to fight the enemy. Pray to Allah to keep you under His protection. But when
you encountered the enemy, have patience with conviction that Paradise lies
under the shadow of the sword”. After that he (s.a.) prayed to Allah, “O Allah,
the revealer of the Book, the mover of the clouds, the destroyer of the enemies,
annihilate them and give us victory over our enemies”. [Enemy attacked after
that and the Muslims were the successful]
[Form Bukhari & Muslim]
103. Protection of secrets
Translation: From Jabir b Abdullah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “If someone talks with you while looking around
[cautiously], take his talk as a trust with you”.
[From Abu Dawood]
Explanatory Note: Even if he has not requested
you to keep his talk as secret, it should be kept like that. It would not be
correct to share it with others without his permission. It would be a breach of
trust. His very looking around, while talking, means that he wants the contents
to be kept in secret.
104. Decent behavior
Translation: From Huzaifah (r.a.). Rasulullah
(s.a.) said, “Don’t be imitators and think that if others do good to us, we
will do good to them. If people are oppressive to us, we will be oppressive to
them. You are to prepare yourself to the extent that if people do well, you
will do well but if they are no good; you will not be oppressive upon them
[rather, be nice with them].
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tirmizi]
105. Etiquette of Assemblies
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “No one should remove a sitting person from his place
to sit there but the people already sitting in the assembly should make room
for the incoming brother”.
[From Musnad Ahmad]
106. [Subject Same]
Translation: From Abdullah b Umar (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “When three persons are together, two of them should
not converse among themselves, leaving the third one aside”.
We asked, ” What, if they are four”. He said,
“Then, no harm”. In the narration of Abdullah b Maswood (r.a.), “It is so
because it [the first situation] will cause grief to him [the third one]”.
[From: Musnad Ahmad]
107. Subject Same
Translation: Umru b Shuaib (r.a.) narrates from
his father that Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “It would not be correct for a person
that he should sit in between two persons without their permission”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Abu Dawood &
108. Dress
Translation: Abu Yafoor (r.a.) narrates that a
person asked from Abdullah b Umar (r.a.). “What type of dress should I wear?”
Ibne Umar (r.a.) said, “You put on such a dress that the dunce should not take
you as foolish and the wise people do not object”. He asked, “Of what price?’
Ibne Umar (r.a.) replied, “Should be in between five and twenty Durham [Dollars
in the present day currency]”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Tabrani]
Explanatory Note: We should keep in mind that at
that time, five Durham were sufficient but in today’s currency, it is quite
meager. People could get the complete dress in five Durham. [For the sake of
understanding, it would be better to measure the cost of a dress in terms of
dollar – Translator]
109. Greed and Miserliness
Translation: From Abu Hurairah (r.a.).
Rasulullah (s.a.) said, “Avariciousness and Iman cannot go together in the
heart of a person”.
[From: Nisa’i]
110. Prohibition from Resemblance
Translation: Abdullah b Abbas (r.a.) narrates
that Rasulullah (s.a.) has cursed those men who resemble like women and those
women who resemble like men”.
[Al-Targheeb Al-Tarheeb: Abu Dawood, Tirmizi,
Nisa’i, and Ibne Ma’ja]
111. Subject Same
Translation: Abu Hurairah (r.a.) narrates that
Rasulullah (s.a.) has cursed the man who dresses like woman and the woman who
dresses like man”.
[Al-Targheeb wa Al-Tarheeb: Abu Dawood, Nisa’i,
Tirmizi and Ibne Ma’ja]